Waze to Movement Dynamics x Be


Group Instructor (Corporate Wellness)


Beryl is a full time litigation lawyer for 8 years and thus far she has various trials experience in almost all the courts in West Malaysia. And to become a fitness coach, it’s her dream to have her loved ones to be healthy physically and mentally.

Why I got started

The motivation behind my journey stems from my dedication to maintaining a balanced and healthy life. Despite my demanding legal career, I make time for fitness because I have a genuine passion for working out. In my view, exercise plays a pivotal role in my daily life, contributing to my overall physical and mental health.

Class description

When it comes to her training style, Beryl primarily focuses on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and core workouts, which often include running. Her approach involves not only personal development but also motivating her students and friends during classes, fostering a sense of community and shared fitness goals.

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